I want to personally express to you a certain feeling. I do not know how long this will take to get across or how many cliches it will be drenched in. So bare with me. This is for you.
Dear You,
You're human. You breathe and feel a wide range of emotions. You are capable of great love and great hatred. You get up every day and look outside.
At one point in time you will, or have, experience great love. That kind where it could be romantic or it could be your best friend in college. This could even be baraista you see every morning. What ever that is, it is your story. But you will. You are human. Humans love.
This realtionship is something differnt. You know the little things. The way they work. The way they move. All of it. It is tough to be there sometimes: you're tired in the morning and just need the coffee. Not the ording, or the small talk. Just the coffee. Its good coffee. But only because of your barista.
You could go and make your own. But no. You keep going there. Theres something special.
That special is to you. And you alone! That's the beauty. You hold a secret. A treasure
This relationship will only truly be known to you. Honestly though. You love honestly.
One day will come, you will wake up and realize how much you love that coffee house. Something is changeing. New people come. You wonder and find a new street with a new cafe. You dont want to leave that coffee house though. Its yours. Its something for you.
You accept it and walk through the new doors. And order a tea for once.
But you never forget the love for the cafe with small red chairs and the kind eyed barista.
The feeling above is the feeling of watching my exchange year starting to come to an end.
They all say don't focus on leaving. But on those buses, its all I can
think about. It makes you realize those around you. I wouldn't change
that for anything. Destructing is found now, only growth.
I am deeply and passionaltly in love with this city. And seriously, not just the city. But the people and the family. The common faces at the school. And all of it. I can go on for hours but truly, just like a lover. No one can directly feel your feelings. Its something special. I want for you to have the beauty of realating. I am sure you can.
It is like having a lover with a most wonderful time and knowing the realtionship will come to an end. Trying to fight to accept it. Because it will come. And life, well it goes on.
Write back soon,
Annalee Sekulic
Mother Finland
Miss America