Thursday rolled around and in the evenign was a Rotary Concert which I was to attend. It was for my club(woo they are the best.) I was picked up from the Train Station and we drove the the cutest little church in the world. It was a quaint, old, stone church in the middle of this hospital area. It was so precious. When we walked in there was 8 boys playing the chello. You could feel the music in the floor boards.
Friday I didnt have school. Or at least I am pretty sure I didn't have school... it's exam week. So I met up with Daniel and we went to have coffee and see the new Sibelius Exhibition. It was a lovely afternoon.
Funny story about going home. I didn't really go home on the right bus. I mean of course I thought it was the right bus. But after a few turns in a direction which isn't home and the bus just stopping and no one else on it- It started to be a little bit fishy. I called my äiti and explained how lost I was again. Then! Emma (american lady from Finnish night classes) turned around and smiled. At that moment I knew I was saved. She assisted me in finding the right bus and making it home.
my savior |
Right when I made it home it was off to another adventure. I feel asleep in the car so I was hella disorientaed when we stopped in parking gragae and everyone just started walking. Somehting whcih I learned this year, is if you dont know what is going on- stick close to the people which look like they do.
This led to the underground "circus"
Hannali and Lionell gave us these tickets
It was the best peformace I have ever in my life been to
Better than circus Olay
the fam |
It had this dream theme and it was so well put together. I wish I could explain better. It was a small condense theater- but tall. And they used all the space.When you walked in it smelled like pulla and glögi. Both which I had. Also I had coffee. But what's new.
On the way back to the car, Sade and me had a hudge snowball war. This night has made the list for some of the best nights here.
It was an actual dream that peformace. It made you feel like you were in a dream.