Friday, September 5, 2014

Every day something new

I wish I could make a post about each day and each thing with makes me thing but sadly I nor you have the time for that. That is where all the pictures come in. Thank goodness for technology. So this is going to be a collage of photos from the past week and I will try to put some explanation... that may be difficult for a few. Wish me luck.

Our grade spent the day out of school at this "blue berry park" It was a bunch of team building activities.

Fact: Fins like to climb everything

Then it turned into this

There was eventually three kids in the tree and the teachers were rooting them on. 

Oh my loves

Bathroom Graffiti

Waiting for Finnish Class to begin

My äiti told me I needed warm clothes. So we went thrifting.

mhhh dinner as in Kabobs

This place was so magical. I am at a loss of words for it. 

And always tea of coffee

So now just add in school, train rides, more coffee, nights with friends, and everything else- you are then close to getting an idea about this past week.

Life is insane. Having nothing being the same is the only constant in my life.  Keeps you on your toes so you don't get ran down at the heels.

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