My name is Annalee Sekulic. I am spending my junior year of high school in Helsinki, Finland as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student. This is to document the journey of a lifetime.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
The National Opera
Talk about fancy.
I came home from school on Tuesday and got all dolled up for a behind the stage tour and show at Finland's National Opera. I wore a purple dress, black tights, and black heels. I am trying to be classy- classy means I only ripped my tights once and changed them in the back of a car.
So the only thing which I have problems with here is the buses. Before the opera, I never had to work them. I always walked or took trains, but I wasn't planning to walk across helsinki at night in heels. Not this girl. So yeah the buses. That did not work out really well and I may have gotten really lost. Any way, the system here works where I called my awesome counselor and explained what happened and apparently I needed a trolley... I found the trolley. and then I just followed all the old fancy ladies.
Still following the... I know its kinda creepy. But yay for observation skills!
Once I arrived we went to get my ticket and I was let loose to find where my seat was. Surprising I had a nice balcony seat. So fancy! I wish I knew what it was about but there was a naked man, a lot of affairs, and Susanna. They sang about a door also. It was called Figaron Häät. It was in Italian and had Finnish subtitles. During intermission we went and had these fancy cakes with berries on the top and coffee. Again more coffee, I am not complaining but you need to understand this part of the culture.
I am pretty sure I moved seats a few times...
I have to be fancy.
The president of my club gave me a ride home. We talked and he is so very kind. I have been blessed with a great club. Opera something which fins take pride in. I understand. The costumes, scenery, and the actors were are outstanding.
Fact: Opera can be a blast even if you make up your own plot