Monday, September 22, 2014

Where else would skipping school turn out to be more educational than school?

I didn't really skip school... I am scared of being bad...


Hello, My name is Annalee and museums are a passion.

I adore the peacefulness the exhibits have to offer. 
I adore the thoughts they provoke. I adore the atmosphere of causal learning. People don't go to museums unless they want to. That is one of the most lovely things I have found. Learning the history of Finland has taught me why the reasons the culture is the way it is*

*I do not know anything still but I guess that is the state of being human. Especially a human on exchange. The more you learn the less you know.

I left school early on Wednesday. I did not skip but since exams were the following week it was pointless to sit in a class where A.) I was not preparing for the exam B.) and not learning anything. So I got permission to miss. So what else do I do with my free time?!? Well duh! The Museum! I found that they are free if you are a student... and under seventeen. Perfect.

I took the train and tram there. Luis came with me for a little bit. He soon realized that he had to actually go back and Finnish some classes, but he still came!

I got off the tram and I saw Luis back off due to my excitement. Super super excited. I am actually typing thing with the biggest grin because this was pretty amazing

When you walked in the ceiling was magnificent. It was painted with scenes from the Kalevra. The Finnish national epic. 

He said my excitement was rubbing off.

only in finland, you see a moose first thing

still in awe about how old this is. this is the stone age guys. the stinkin stone age. 


So many historians say that a culture is formed when they realize death as a thing (this of course is a really bad definition of a super long theory) any way this is one of the first few graves


And then the viking age hits (all I thought of was my cousin Shae during this part)

golden snitch or orb... your choice

I just turned a corner and well there was a bunch of skulls and knives.

Welcome to Finland. One of the most unique places ever.


So there are a lot of pictures of exhibits. But seriously, this stuff is so old and by just looking at it you can understand why the food is still cooked a certain way and why the style in certain areas have a style. Everything I saw here has some influence on what I see every day. Seriously super cool


arm candle holders are still the weirdest thing I have encountered here. that's saying something

Then we hit the portrait gallery... 

 Then the throne room

home!!! Helsinki, Kerava, Vantaa!

Light Pollution 

Mommin again.

 I then wandered around more after Luis left. And I found the children's section. I think this is what type of field I want to work in when I grow up. So I learned how to loom up here (everything was hands on!!!) and then I met a woman. She works there and I explained about my wonderful museum back home and how I really miss them and the museum world in general. She said she likes my passion and gave me an email to contact...

I will be emailing them tomorrow about coming in to see how it all work. Maybe volunteering there..

of course I had to have coffee afterwards. I read and wrote down what I learned. 

After I went across the city to the National Library where I tried to learn Russian. I don't have any photos because you can take photos there but  long story short I know how to say Hello in Russian. I will be spending a lot of time there I think come winter. 

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